Saturday 27 September 2008

Paris Hilton by Yeo

Jonathan Yeo - Paris (2008)Jonathan Yeo's portrait of Paris Hilton is well worth viewing, regardless of who bought it. I'm old-fashioned enough to believe that a portrait should look like the person it portrays, rather than being an excuse for self-indulgent fanciful tosh. Jonathan's portrait certainly captures a familiar face. It does more, suggesting personality and style too. But what makes this portrait fascinating is that it isn't a painting, but a collage made up of clips from allegedly pornographic magazines. It's the best collage I've ever seen.


At 1/10/08, Blogger Olha Pryymak said...

yes, they had a feature on him in FT magazine the other week. He is pretty clever without being too ridiculously modern.

At 1/10/08, Blogger Unknown said...

Hi, Olechko

This technique is an interesting mix of old and new, isn't it? It's a fine traditional portrait in a new medium: porn mags. Lots of flesh tones to be found there! Like all good ideas, it makes you wonder why nobody thought of it before.


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