Saturday 13 December 2008

Masterpieces of Ukiyo-e

Totoya Hokkei - Oniwakamaru subduing the Giant Carp (ca 1831) detailUkiyo-e Revealed, the demonstration of Japanese print-making on Sunday at the V&A Museum in London (yesterday's post) is a taster for Masterpieces of Ukiyo-e from the V&A, which opened on Friday and continues until 15 March 2009, admission free. The V&A has one of the finest collections of ukiyo-e in the world - over 25,000 items - and this is its first major exhibition of ukiyo-e since 1973. An exhibition of traditional Japanese art looks far more interesting than Magnificence of the Tsars, the V&A's other recently-opened show (CLICK). Why pay to see a tsar's boots when you can view Totoya Hokkei's masterpiece Oniwakamaru subduing the Giant Carp (ca 1831) for free? Click the title link.


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