Thursday 26 August 2010

UK Passport Design

The Home Office has unveiled its designs for the new British passport. This image of a seagull reminds me of Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds, when seagulls glide into frame to attack people at a petrol station. Movies aside, seagulls tend to visit Greater London to avoid storms out to sea and raid our municipal dumps, which are full of tasty food we discard. The weather map on this British passport biographic page enhances the impression of storms heading our way. Thumbs down to such a pessimistic design. Click the title link to read more and let BBC News Magazine know what you think.


At 29/8/10, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the design is great (certainly a VAST improvement on this current passport) and what is more British than our obsession with the weather!

At 29/8/10, Blogger Unknown said...

True, but do we really need to publicize our obsession with the weather, especially as we are so lousy at forecasting it? My old barometer gets it right a lot more often than the London weather person.


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