Sunday 26 June 2011

Hidden Paintings

Two BBC1 art programmes in one day! First Fake or Fortune at 7pm (next post down), then Hidden Paintings at 10.25pm (title link). The latter is a regional show, so if you live in one of the 10 regions outside the London TV area CLICK to find out what Hidden Paintings will be shown in your area. North East has the best of it with Ian Lavender learning more about the Home Guard and life in the war through lost paintings. Londoners get irritating extrovert Hardeep Singh Kohli - the one with the oversized turban to fit his ego -, who gawks at paintings of sailors, slaves and scholars. William Hoare's portrait of ex-slave Ayuba Suleiman Diallo (1733) is one of the paintings that amaze Kohli. I suppose we can tolerate him for 30 minutes. The purpose of these regional programmes is to advertise Auntie's partnership with the Public Catalogue Foundation, which I reviewed on Friday (CLICK).


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