Sunday 15 January 2012

Leonardo Anatomist

Those of you who failed to get tickets for the National Gallery's blockbuster Leonardo da Vinci: Painter at the Court of Milan might like to know that not all is lost. On 4 May The Queen's Gallery in Buckingham Palace opens Leonardo da Vinci: Anatomist (title link). The Royal Collection holds many anatomical drawings which Leonardo intended to publish in his Treatise on Anatomy, begun in 1489. He dissected corpses by candlelight in the night. He hadn't completed his treatise when he died in 1519. The fruits of his anatomical research were buried in his private papers and lost to science for centuries. Above is his A Nude Man from Behind. CLICK to view more of his anatomical drawings. Tickets are bookable now: £9.25 adults, £8.50 silver surfers, £4.65 under 17's, under 5's free. Don't miss out on this exhibition too.


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