Friday 31 May 2013

Dream of Spring

This is William-Adolphe Bouguereau's Dream of Spring (Rêve de printemps) from 1901. Didn't we just! The coldest spring for 50 years in the UK. Any excuse to show a Bouguereau, the supreme master of flesh tones. You can see the blue of veins and the red of arteries below the skin. Although extremely successful in his day, sadly he was thought too chocolate-boxy by the new art pundits, who preferred Impressionism. Nevertheless the Indianapolis Museum of Art is over the moon that collectors Melvin and Bren Simon have donated this 6ft x 4ft masterpiece to the museum in celebration of its 125th anniversary (CLICK). Now take a look at the hand I've enlarged. This seems far too clumsy and awkward for Bouguereau. Is it a repair or is he hinting at arthritis in Spring's later life?


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